Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | person | poster | sand | sky | water OCR: Volcanoes Rivers of Costa Rica RAIN FOREST HIKES X. WHITEW ATER RUNS Costa Rica well- -known for its exceptional birdlife and unma tched flora wortn returning to time and again tc savor its natural beauty It's an equally great place for wild adventures and out adv enture -minded group sam ples few on this active trip Mon teverde Cloud Forest Reserve our first stop Here we explore trails lined with wonderfully rampant vegeta tion and presided over by co1- orful birds, variety of mon - keys and sloth 01 two. Then we hit the trail, descending from the misty mountain peaks near Mont teverde to Lake Arenal at the base of Are nal Volcano the most active Costa Rica xplore 1ts slopes Q' hardened worth eturning wonderf fully orfu ling